“ A good part of my inspiration for this novel 
came from their collective spirit ”
—  by  Khaled  Hosseini
The story is about two Afghan women. They seemed not to have any connection at first, but had a generation gap between each other, working hard to survive in their difficult moment.​​​​​​​
「關於這本小說, 我的啟發大部分緣自阿富汗女性的堅韌精神。」故事圍繞在兩位看似完全沒交集、世代差距的兩位阿富汗女人, 最後如何在艱難的生活中找到希望, 努力地活下去。
In this novel, The description perspective is based on the “first person.”What is the best way to describe the first-person view of being an Afghan woman? 
The answer to this question is the sight seen in traditional Afghan women's clothing, Burka! So I made the picture veil blue as the usual color in Burka. The hexagon shape shows the only window you can see outside if in Burka. Furthermore, As you look out the window, you can find out the cityscape of Kabul. 
The stamped bronze starburst represents the splendid sunshine behind the city walls.

視角常常以第一人稱的描述為主。從這些面向直覺想到讓觀者是以第一人稱視角、成為一位阿富汗女性; 而最直接的畫面是什麼呢? 就是從伊斯蘭傳統女性服飾— — 罩袍 ( Burka ) 看出去的世界吧! 因此我將畫面製成密不透風罩袍的藍色, 畫面中「六角形」的插圖象徵唯一的開口, 望出去的就是首都喀布爾( Kabul ) 街景。利用比較細一點的線條燙金成芒星狀, 就是那城市牆後的燦爛千陽。
This project is a mockup of design practice. 
There is no collaboration or commission with the book publisher.


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