Client / Brand | New One Patisserie
Logo Design / Typography / VI System | Kim Huang
Package Design | Kim Huang
Oct. 2016
Now One Patisserie is a blockbuster French dessert shop that is well-known for Mille crepe cake. The owner insists on handmade crepes and fillings. Especially the layered cakes with distinct colors make every consumer full of love.​​​​​​​
女王千層 法式手工甜點(Now one patisserie)主打道地的法式千層派,堅持手工製作餅皮和餡料。色彩繽紛的千層派蛋糕, 少女心完全大噴發, 擄獲甜食控。
As the core value of this cake shop, logo design denotes noble symbolism. With featured "simple" imagery and a suitable "serif typeface, "  the logo is inspired by European copperplate engravings from the 15th and 16th centuries. Queen in a crown, implies the identity of the character. Instead of the profile silhouette turned to the right, of full horizontal and 90° sides, it ended up being a 45° side, making the icon much more extraordinary and elegant.
這個標誌設計希望帶給人高貴的感覺。透過「簡單的」圖像, 搭配適當「襯線字體」作為風格進行設計。靈感來自於歐洲十五、十六世紀的銅版畫, 總是給⼈一種傳統卻高級的感覺。中文店名中的「女王」, 我選用一個轉向右側面的剪影, 戴著皇冠, 暗示著角色的身份地位。取消「全橫向」、「90° 」側臉的角度, 約為「45° 」的側臉讓人更有一種典雅卻十分霸氣的感覺。


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