Don't Cry for Me Taiwan
Computer Arts
Nov. 2018
Taiwan has hold a referendum on marriage equality reform in November 2018, and the result shows the majority of Taiwanese citizens voted against it. My comfort zone around me is full of grief and sorrow, and most people are disappointed with this general election referendum.
However, I have a voice in my heart: there have been more than a dozen referendums in such a short time, full of complicated or misinformation. Some people were urgent to go home to discuss and explain content and meaning with their families; some were willing to take to the streets to seek attention; some changed their minds; some stuck to their perspectives.
Thank all of you who make efforts to better the future for Taiwan. I ought to believe there must be more endeavors in the future, but justice will not be too far.
雖然身邊同溫層一片哀鴻遍野,對於這次的大選公投大多是失望的。但我心中有個聲音:在這麼短的時間內,多達十案的公投,資訊複雜錯誤正確傻傻分不清楚。有的人努力地回家跟家人討論解釋這些內容和影響; 有的人願意上街提出訴求呼籲大家重視; 有的改變了自己的想法; 有的堅持己見誓死捍衛。
謝謝, 為了台灣未來更美好的想像努力的你們!
我很願意相信, 未來需要更努力, 但路並不遠!